Pre-K Mathematics Tutorial Project
A systematic replication study testing the effectiveness of the Pre-K Mathematics Tutorial (PKMT) curriculum to improve the math performance of children identified as at-risk for mathematical difficulties.
What is PKMT?
- Pre-K Mathematics Tutorial (PKMT) is a program designed to identify and support pre-K children who are behind in their mathematical development at the beginning of the school year.
- A prior study found that this intensive Tier-2 math intervention improved students’ foundational math skills. The current PKMT study aims to replicate these findings at a larger scale.
- This project is funded by an Institute of Education Sciences (IES) systematic replication grant.
How is PKMT implemented?
- PKMT is implemented with groups of 2 children Monday-Thursday and review on Friday as needed.
- Each activity takes approximately 10-15 minutes.
- Each activity provides prompts to scaffold children when needed.
- There are also opportunities to extend and challenge children’s learning.
- Progress monitoring forms provided with PKMT help teachers complete their DRDPs.
Prior Research
PKMT has been found to be effective when implemented alone and with an attention intervention
A Randomized Trial of a Tutor-Based Mathematics and Attention Intervention for Low-Performing Pre-Schoolers at Risk for Mathematical Difficulties in School
Barnes, M.A., Klein, A., Swank, P., Starkey, P., McCandliss, B., Flynn, K., … & Roberts, G. (2016). Effects of tutorial interventions in mathematics and attention for low-performing preschool children. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 4, 577-606.